With an ever-increasing amount of information on the web, it is critical to understand the pedigree, quality, and accuracy of your data. Using provenance, you can ascertain the quality of data based on its ancestral data and derivations, track back to sources of errors, allow automatic re-enactment of derivations to update data, and provide attribu

chapter 1|18 pages


chapter 2|10 pages

Security and Provenance

chapter 3|14 pages

Access Control and Semantic Web

chapter 4|10 pages

The Inference Problem

chapter 5|10 pages

Inference Engines

chapter 6|18 pages

Inferencing Examples

chapter 7|18 pages

Cloud Computing Tools and Frameworks

chapter 8|20 pages

Scalable and Efficient RBAC for Provenance

chapter 9|24 pages

A Language for Provenance Access Control

chapter 10|26 pages

Transforming Provenance Using Redaction

chapter 11|14 pages

Architecture for an Inference Controller

chapter 12|12 pages

Inference Controller Design

chapter 14|8 pages

Queries with Regular Path Expressions

chapter 15|10 pages

Inference Control through Query Modification

chapter 16|12 pages

Inference and Provenance

chapter 17|30 pages

Implementing the Inference Controller

chapter 18|12 pages

Risk and Inference Control

chapter 22|8 pages

Big Data Analytics and Inference Control

chapter 23|12 pages

Unifying Framework

chapter 24|8 pages

Summary and Directions