The­ introduction,­ in­May­ 2003,­ of­ the­ IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC)­and Physical Layer (PHY)­Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks standard­ [2]­established­ a­ common­ physical­ and­ media­ access­ control­ (MAC)­platform­ that­ allowed­ communication­ between­ hardware­ from­ different manufacturers. The falling prices of sensor hardware, combined­ with­ the­ release­ of­ the­ RFC 4944-Transmission of IPv6 Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks [3] specification in­September­ 2007,­ created­ the­ conditions­ for­ the­ realization­ of­ the­WSN­concept.