Research of seasonal variability of the content of mobile forms of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Cr) and microelements (Cu, Zn, and Mo) in arable soils of a taiga zone of the Kirov region of Russia is conducted. For research podzolic and sod-podzolic soils on various rocks have been chosen: on eluvia-deluvium of Perm clays; on blanket carbonate-free loams; on blanket loams of middle taiga subband. In each geographical place two variants of use of soil in agriculture were investigated, without entering of ameliorants and fertilizers and at long-term entering of mineral fertilizers. Recently lead involves a great attention as one of the main components of chemical pollution of environment and as an element toxic for plants and human. Though there is no data that lead is vital for plants there are indications on stimulating action on the last of some salts of lead at low concentration.