ABSTRACT Lung cancer early markers are needed to develop strategies for prevention and treatment. A number of genetic, epigenetic, proteomic, metabolomic, and imaging biomarkers have been identied for lung cancer. Among proteomic biomarkers, GSTP1, HSPB1, and CKB showed promise because their levels increased with the progression of the disease, and these markers could be measured quantitatively with minimum amount of samples. Among epigenomic biomarkers, PAX5alpha, GATA5, and SULF2 methylation exhibited promise in lung cancer early diagnosis when sputum samples were analyzed. A systematic evaluation of biomarkers, their strengths and weaknesses, and potential use in early detection of lung cancer is discussed in this chapter. The importance of analytical and clinical validation of biomarkers and the challenges and opportunities in this eld is also discussed. The emphasis is on minimally invasive biomarkers, which could be detected easily in biological uids and can be used for screening and early diagnostics of lung cancer, before clinical manifestation.