In common with other grain legumes, pea (Pisum sativum L.) plays a critical role in crop rotation (Nemecek et al. 2008). Because the pea plant is able to fi x atmospheric nitrogen through symbiosis with nitrogen-fi xing soil bacteria from the Rhizobium genus, its cultivation does not require N-fertilizer, reduces the need of N-fertilizer of the following crop, and thus signifi cantly reduces energy costs. It also permits a higher diversifi cation of crop rotations, improving soil physical conditions and decreasing the infl uence of pathogen and weed populations. Finally, it provides proteinrich raw material complementary to cereals for animal and human nutrition. Energetically and economically, it is an advantage to utilize nitrogen inputs from this legume source for securing carbon sequestration into food, feed and biofuel crops (Nemecek et al. 2008).