W e d escribe m ethods to m easure ferrom agnetic reson an ce in both unpatterned b lan ket film s and pattern ed nanostructu res, w ith the goal o f determ ining both the anisotropy and the dam ping o f ferrom agnetic m aterials intended for sp in-torque m em ory applications. M easurem ent o f b lan ket film s relies on vector n etw ork analyzer m easurem ents w ith a cop lanar waveguide loaded w ith the m aterial to be m easured. A novel m agneto-optic m ethod is used to m easure the dynam ics in individual nanom agnets. In both cases, the

th eory for the m easu rem en t techniqu e is presented , w ith th e aim o f guiding the user in optim izing the signal-to-noise ratio o f the m easurem ent.